Results for 'Mª. Luisa Cámara'

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  1.  12
    La preparación pastoral del clero rural sevillano en el siglo XVIII: La utopía de los seminarios tridentinos.Luisa Candau Chacón - 2024 - Isidorianum 2 (4):175-197.
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    Propuesta de líneas de mejora de la experiencia operística desde el ocio creativo.M. Luisa Amigo & Macarena Cuenca - 2012 - Arbor 188 (754):427-440.
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    El Archivo digital de manuscritos árabes de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes.M. ª Luisa Ávila & Mayte Pénelas - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):503-503.
    For the last few years, the Escuela de Estudios Árabes has been carrying out a project for the computerisation of Arabic manuscripts. In this paper, we explain the benefits of consulting a manuscript using computer support, as apposed to traditional methods. We outline the steps followed in the process of building a digital archive: scanning of the manuscript as the first step, retrieval and use of the images storaged in the computer as the last one.
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    Reciproco influsso tra la conversione morale e la conversione religiosa in S. Agostino.M. Luisa Angrisani Sanfilippo - 1987 - Augustinianum 27 (1-2):303-316.
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    El exemplum como figura retórica en el Renacimiento.Luisa Harto Trujillo - 2011 - Humanitas 63:509-526.
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    Deep ST.Thomas M. Ferguson & Elisángela Ramírez-Cámara - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1261-1293.
    Many analyses of notion of _metainferences_ in the non-transitive logic ST have tackled the question of whether ST can be identified with classical logic. In this paper, we argue that the primary analyses are overly restrictive of the notion of metainference. We offer a more elegant and tractable semantics for the strict-tolerant hierarchy based on the three-valued function for the LP material conditional. This semantics can be shown to easily handle the introduction of _mixed_ inferences, _i.e._, inferences involving objects belonging (...)
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    POST, WERNER, La crítica de la religión en Karl Marx. Traducción de Rufino Jimeno, Herder, Barcelona, 1972, 333 págs.Luisa Ortiz de Landázuri - 1977 - Anuario Filosófico 10 (2):247-252.
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    Enoturismo y entornos sostenibles.M. ª Luisa González San José - 2017 - Arbor 193 (785):399.
    La sostenibilidad es un modelo de desarrollo en el que las acciones presentes no deben comprometer el futuro de las generaciones venideras, y se vincula con un desarrollo económico y social respetuoso con el medio ambiente. El enoturismo supone un modo de ocio placentero que conjuga el placer del disfrute de los vinos con aspectos relacionados con la cultura, como conocimientos sobre elaboración de los vinos, sobre los ecosistemas asociados a los viñedos, sobre expresiones artísticas, etc. Todo ello constituye parte (...)
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    Ocio estético valioso en la Poética de Aristóteles.Luisa Amigo Fernández De Arroyabe - 2015 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 70 (264):453.
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    Il linguaggio della conversione in alcune opere di Agostino.M. Luisa Angrisani Sanfilippo - 1987 - Augustinianum 27 (1-2):281-296.
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    Mental models about the self in paranoid schizophrenic discourse: An analysis of clinical interviews.Isabel H. Faria & M. Luisa Figueira - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    Environmental Education in Initial Training: Effects of a Physical Activities and Sports in the Natural Environment Program for Sustainable Development.M. Luisa Santos-Pastor, Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll, Antonio Baena-Extremera & L. Fernando Martínez-Muñoz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Training for sustainable development is an educational challenge of prime importance. Physical activity and sports in natural environments provide training committed to sustainability and environmental education. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an undergraduate training program in Physical Activities and Sports in Natural Environments concerned with sustainable development. A total of 113 students from the Autonomous University of Madrid who are studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Master’s Degree in (...)
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    Improvement of Planning Skills in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder After an Educational Intervention: A Study From a Mixed Methods Approach.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Marian Acero-Ferrero & Luisa Herrero-Nivela - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  14. Predicting Students’ Intention to Plagiarize: an Ethical Theoretical Framework.S. K. Camara, Susanna Eng-Ziskin, Laura Wimberley, Katherine S. Dabbour & Carmen M. Lee - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (1):43-58.
    This article investigates whether acts of plagiarism are predictable. Through a deductive, quantitative method, this study examines 517 students and their motivation and intention to plagiarize. More specifically, this study uses an ethical theoretical framework called the Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior to proffer five hypotheses about cognitive, relational, and social processing relevant to ethical decision making. Data results indicate that although most respondents reported that plagiarism was wrong, students with strong intentions to plagiarize had a more positive (...)
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    Una experiencia de innovación docente en el ámbito universitario. Uso de las nuevas tecnologías.M. ª Dolores Lerís López & M. ª Luisa Sein-Echaluce Lacleta - 2009 - Arbor 185 (Extra):93-110.
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  16. Fronteras de la tolerancia: la arquitectura del Tratado Teológico-Político y su fuerza perturbadora.María Luisa Cámara - 2012 - Laguna 31:31-44.
    Spinoza no ha elaborado una doctrina sistemática sobre la tolerancia, sin embargo resulta manifiesta su preocupación por los efectos que tienen para el estado moderno tanto su carencia como una excesiva permisividad en este asunto. En el Tratado Teológico-político el filósofo censura la conducta pertinaz de los fariseos por su falta de tolerancia, al mismo tiempo que contempla con recelo la complacencia de algunos políticos holandeses que, en el presente, hacen gala de una tolerancia hipertrofiada. En el presente artículo consideraremos (...)
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    Delassus, Éric:" De l'éthique de Spinoza á l'éthique médicale,".María Luisa de la Cámara - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1):373-376.
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    Boletín de Bibliografía Spinozista nº 20.María Luisa De la Cámara García - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):295-320.
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    Clock Walking and Gender: How Circular Movements Influence Arithmetic Calculations.Luisa Lugli, Stefania D’Ascenzo, Anna M. Borghi & Roberto Nicoletti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Villiaud, P.:" Spinoza d´ après les livres de sa Bibliothèque".Maria Luisa de la Cámara - 2013 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 30 (1):288-289.
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    (1 other version)Descartes, ¿abstencionista o pensador político?María Luisa De la Cámara - 2017 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 11:57-72.
    The political question in Descartes is an enormously complex issue. The historical circumstances surrounding his life, philosophical principles and the strict epistemological considerations that he defended intertwine in a sort of biological- theoretical-practical crossroads. Our work unravels the keys of Cartesian politics commonly perceived as shadowy.
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  22. Serrano, Vicente:" La herida de Spinoza. Felicidad y política en la vida posmoderna".María Luisa de la Cámara - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1):404-406.
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  23.  10
    Los alimentos en la Carta Filosófica Médico-Química de Juan de Cabriada.María Luisa de la Cámara - 2021 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 15:55-64.
    El presente trabajo proporciona una perspectiva epistemológica al tratamiento dado por Cabriada a los alimentos. Las referencias a los alimentos en la _Carta Filosófica, Médico-Química_ (1687) son escasas pero relevantes. El examen crítico de los pasajes donde se mencionan determinados productos pone de manifiesto cuál es su interés epistémico para una medicina moderna. El lenguaje tradicional, que distinguía los «alimentos fríos y húmedos» de los «alimentos calientes y secos», deja paso al nuevo lenguaje físico-químico donde se habla de propiedades como (...)
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  24.  45
    El «amor a Dios» en la filosofía para la vida de Descartes y la discrepancia de Spinoza.María-Luisa De-la-Cámara-García - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    En este artículo examino la noción de amor a Dios (amour envers Dieu) en Descartes, conectándola con los principios metafísicos de su sistema y con los objetivos a los que da respuesta, y mostrando sus beneficios para la vida de todo hombre. Los desacuerdos de Spinoza en esta materia no constituyen una discrepancia menor, sino que adquieren relevancia sistémica desde el momento en que el amor Dei está conectado con nociones centrales de su filosofía, como la idea de Dios y (...)
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  25.  70
    Saada, Julie (dir):" Hobbes, Spinoza ou les politiques de la Parole".María Luisa de la Cámara - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:412-413.
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    Spinoza, de la física a la historia.Julian Carvajal & María Luisa de la Cámara (eds.) - 2008 - Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
    Aunque admito sin reservas -nos dice Spinoza en su TTP- que todas las cosas son determinadas por leyes universales de la naturaleza a existir y a obrar de una forma fija y determinada, afirmo, no obstante, que [...], para el uso de la vida,...
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    Sangiacomo, A.:«Actions et qualités: Prolégomènes pour une lecture comparée de Boyle et Spinoza».Maria Luisa de la Cámara - 2013 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 30 (1):287-288.
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    Regaining power: How feelings of exclusion during COVID-19 are associated with radicalism among critics of containment policies.Michaela Pfundmair & Luisa A. M. Mahr - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Past experimental research has shown that social exclusion can be linked with radicalism. During the COVID-19 pandemic, feelings of social isolation and loneliness rose, just like protests and violence against national anti-COVID-19 measures did. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that feelings of exclusion induced by measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 were associated with radicalism intentions to illegally and violently fight COVID-19-related regulations among critics of the containment policies. Moreover, we expected that radicalism intentions against COVID-19-related regulations fortified (...)
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    Group work: Prospective teachers’ acquisition of transversal competences.Elena M. Díaz Pareja, África M. Cámara Estrella, Inés M. Muñoz Galiano & Juana M. Ortega-Tudela - 2018 - Educational Studies 44 (1):45-56.
    The current training model being used in higher education advocates the acquisition of competences aimed at providing students with all-round training that will enable them to tackle their future work responsibilities effectively. This encompasses a number of different competences, most notably the transversal kind, especially in view of the important role they play in shaping the profile of any professional individual. The active learning methods applied to group work have shown to be the most suitable for achieving these competences. From (...)
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    Lomba, Pedro. Teo-racionalismo. Ensayo sobre la metafísica de Cartesio, Guillermo Escolar Editor, Madrid, 2023, 265 pp. [REVIEW]María-Luisa de-la-Cámara-García - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:388-391.
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    Apresentação.Inácio Helfer, Jaison M. Partchel, Joel Decothé Jr, Luciane Luisa Lindenmeyer & Polyana Tidre - 2022 - Controvérsia 18 (1):01-03.
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  32. Complexity and Emergence.Evandro Agazzi, Luisa Montecucco & M. Buzzoni - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (2).
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    Teeth reveal juvenile diet, health and neurotoxicant exposure retrospectively: What biological rhythms and chemical records tell us.Tanya M. Smith, Luisa Cook, Wendy Dirks, Daniel R. Green & Christine Austin - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (9):2000298.
    Integrated developmental and elemental information in teeth provide a unique framework for documenting breastfeeding histories, physiological disruptions, and neurotoxicant exposure in humans and our primate relatives, including ancient hominins. Here we detail our method for detecting the consumption of mothers’ milk and exploring health history through the use of laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) mapping of sectioned nonhuman primate teeth. Calcium‐normalized barium and lead concentrations in tooth enamel and dentine may reflect milk and formula consumption with minimal modification during (...)
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    Equilibria with vector-valued utilities and preference information. The analysis of a mixed duopoly.Amparo M. Mármol, Luisa Monroy, M. Ángeles Caraballo & Asunción Zapata - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):365-383.
    This paper deals with the equilibria of games when the agents have multiple objectives and, therefore, their utilities cannot be represented by a single value, but by a vector containing the various dimensions of the utility. Our approach allows the incorporation of partial information about the preferences of the agents into the model, and permits the identification of the set of equilibria in accordance with this information. We also propose an additional conservative criterion which can be applied in this framework (...)
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    DOMÍNGUEZ, A.: Spinoza (1632-1677).M. L. de la Cámara - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (10):329.
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    (1 other version)Letters, a secret and power in Durante la Reconquista by Alberto Blest Gana.Edson Faúndez Valenzuela & María Luisa Martínez M. - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:169-189.
    Resumen: Durante la Reconquista de Alberto Blest Gana puede ser leída como una novela en donde el secreto y el poder se entrelazan de manera profundamente significativa. Esta interrelación se constituye en el soporte de la narración, en cuyo desarrollo se entretejen los acontecimientos históricos, las intrigas amorosas y la descripción de costumbres sociales. En el despliegue de la novela hallamos inscritas las preocupaciones políticas y éticas de su autor.: Durante la Reconquista by Alberto Blest Gana can be read as (...)
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    Early ERPs to faces: aging, luminance, and individual differences.Magdalena M. Bieniek, Luisa S. Frei & Guillaume A. Rousselet - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Archives de Philosophie 57/1994.M. L. De la Cámara - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13:343.
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    Proceso de arbitraje de los artículos.Juan Carlos Alby, Fernando Álvarez Uría, Jaime Araos, Fernando Bahr, Óscar Barroso, María Elena Candioti, Ricardo Cattaneo, Laura Corso, Jesús De Garay & María Luisa De la Camara - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1):417.
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    Walking boosts your performance in making additions and subtractions.Filomena Anelli, Luisa Lugli, Giulia Baroni, Anna M. Borghi & Roberto Nicoletti - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  41.  14
    Challenges for hospital management in supporting nurses to deliver humanized care.Maria Luisa Martin-Ferreres, Laia Wennberg-Capellades, Encarnación Rodríguez, Mireia Llaurado-Serra & M. Angeles de Juan Pardo - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12422.
    Hospitals are paying increasing attention to the delivery of humanized care. The purpose of this study was to explore from the nursing perspective what hospital managers might do to facilitate this. A secondary analysis from a primary ethnographic study regarding dignity in nursing practice was conducted. Twenty interviews of internal medicine nurses from four hospitals were analyzed, and three main themes were identified: Management of nursing teams, Management of ethical values, and Management of the context. It is important for institutional (...)
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    YAKIRA, E.: La causalité de Galilée a Kant. [REVIEW]M. L. De la Cámara - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13:340.
  43. Rafael Villavicencio, del positivismo al espiritualismo.Poleo Pérez & M. Luisa - 1986 - Caracas: Academia Nacional de la Historia.
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    Preschool Metacognitive Skill Assessment in Order to Promote Educational Sensitive Response From Mixed-Methods Approach: Complementarity of Data Analysis.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Maria Luisa Herrero-Nivela & M. Teresa Anguera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Visuospatial Attention and Saccadic Inhibitory Control in Children With Cerebral Palsy.Claudio Maioli, Luca Falciati, Jessica Galli, Serena Micheletti, Luisa Turetti, Michela Balconi & Elisa M. Fazzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  46.  29
    From texts to enacting practices: defining fair and equitable research principles for plant genetic resources in West Africa.F. Jankowski, S. Louafi, N. A. Kane, M. Diol, A. Diao Camara, J.-L. Pham, C. Berthouly-Salazar & A. Barnaud - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1083-1094.
    Collaborative research practices in the field of plant genetic resources must follow the principles of fairness and equity as defined in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and in the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). In this context the concepts of fairness and equity generally refer to the substantive and procedural dimensions associated with sharing the benefits of this research. But neither term is clearly defined by these international treaties, and the meanings attributed to (...)
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    The modality-switch effect: visually and aurally presented prime sentences activate our senses.Elisa Scerrati, Giulia Baroni, Anna M. Borghi, Renata Galatolo, Luisa Lugli & Roberto Nicoletti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Systematic Observation: Relevance of This Approach in Preschool Executive Function Assessment and Association with Later Academic Skills.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Maria Luisa Herrero-Nivela, Angel Blanco-Villaseñor & M. Teresa Anguera - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Apuntes sobre la Librería de Cámara.María Luisa López-Vidriero Abello - 2001 - Arbor 169 (665):287-295.
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    Poética da Razão: Homenagem a Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.Adriana V. Serrão, Carla M. Simões, Elisabete M. De Sousa, Filipa Afonso, Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Calafate Simões & Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (eds.) - 2013 - Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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